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Providing sustainable solutions for a variety of products, our wirebound crates and boxes are reliable and strong. Hundreds of US farmers rely on our wirebound crates to safeguard their products in the produce and seafood industries.

​Wood is a biodegradable, renewable resource that can be easily recycled or repurposed for other uses. Wirebound crates surpass plastic in strength and durability, making them reusable multiple times before disposal.

In contrast, plastic is prone to breaking or deteriorating easily. Using wooden packaging reduces greenhouse gas emissions from transportation as wood is lighter than plastic and requires less energy to transport.


​Wood packaging lasts longer, reduces greenhouse gases, making wirebound crates the better choice for the long term.

Wood packaging is more environmentally friendly than plastic packaging. This occurs because wood renews itself and naturally breaks down. Additionally, wood packaging has a longer lifespan and helps to reduce greenhouse gases, making wirebound crate the ideal long-term packaging option.


Corn Wirebound Crate


Seafood Wirebound Crate


Leafy Wirebound Crate


Asparagus Wirebound Crate


Bean Wirebound Crate


Spinach Wirebound Crate

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